Tuntutan Kemalangan

Tuntutan Kemalangan
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1) Saya baru kemalangan, apa yang perlu saya buat?
Report Polis dalam masa 24 jam
2) Kemana boleh saya bawa kereta?
Kemana-mana panel workshop Etiqa
3) Adakah saya akan hilang NCD jika membuat tuntutan?
Bergantung kepada siapa yang bersalah, berdasarkan laporan polis
4) Apa jenis tuntutan yang boleh saya lakukan jika kemalangan?
a-Gunakan policy sendiri, kesannya NCD akan terjejas
b- Buat tuntutan dari pihak ketiga(jika anda tidak bersalah), NCD anda tidak terjejas
c- Od-KFK, buat tuntutan pihak ketiga dengan menggunakan Etiqa Takaful, NCD tidak akan terjejas
6) What is Excess?
Excess is whereby you have to pay the first part of the claim and the amount Will be at stated in the policy schedule
7) What is the difference between policy excess (Voluntary excess) and 2f excess (compulsory excess)?
Policy excess is applicable in every claim whilst 2f excess would depend on the details of the authorised driver at time of accident as follow:- i. If driver is below 21 years of age ii. If dirver holds a L licence iii. If driver has full licence less than 2 years iv. If driver is not named in the policy schedule v. All of the above
8) What is the excess amount for 2f?
9) What is betterment?
Betterment is getting new parts for old car.
10) When is betterment applicable?
When the age of the car is 5 years and above. It is only applicable if you opt for new parts.
11) How is the betterment calculated?
As per PIAM’s guideline below:- a. 5 years – 15% b. 6 years – 20% c. 7 years – 25% d. 8 years – 30% e. 9 years – 35% f. 10 years and above – 40%
12) I do no wish to pay for betterment. What are the options?
You can go for 2nd hand or used parts
13) What to do if problem with panel workshop?
Call Claims Assist at 1-300-88-1007